How to Help
Sharing is caring. Please share our website, our posts, our articles, our blog, and our social media platforms. Spreading the word plays such a huge part in our rescue. We cannot do everything that is needed to care for these precious animals, or find them furrever homes, without awareness, without your help. Like and Follow our Facebook, Instagram & TikTok pages. You never know who may be looking for a new companion!
Contact us if you are a fundraising pro, and would like to organize a fundraiser for the rescue. If you have never started a fundraiser, but are curious as to how you can utilize your talents to help put one together, don't be shy, let's work together!
Kisses Not Hisses Rescue is always looking for volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of the cats and kittens in our care. We need caring, friendly, and personable volunteers to assist the rescue and work with the owner. There are many areas of opportunity for volunteers to support the rescue, such as on-site and off-site adoption events.
Our cats and kittens are in need of care, attention, and socialization. Our goal is to nurture, care for, and love our animals as much as possible, while we find them new homes and families to go to. Volunteers are also needed to assist with other important roles such as:
Feeding cats, filling water fountains
Cleaning and organizing
Kitten and cat cuddlers
Help in socializing shy cats
Transporting for spay/neuter appointments
Blogging weekly for the website
Photographing and videoing cats for social media purposes.
Short-term responsible people who would be available to feed and care for the cats/kittens when I am out of town for work
Thank you for your generosity! Your donations help a rescue organization in many ways. It helps the cats, the caregivers and their future owners as well. Rescues are in constant need of toys, towels and supplies that aid in their overall health. Here is a link to some of the items on our wish list:
Fostering can be a great temporary way to help, when permanent help may not be an option. Any way you can contribute, will make a difference in the care and journey of these animals. If you are interested in fostering, please visit our Foster page, and click one of the buttons to fill out and application. You can also email as at to for more information.
You can make such an incredible difference in an animal's life by simply sponsoring. You can sponsor a specific cat or kitten until a permanent home is ready for them. Your help and donations will help provide food, medical attention, and all of the tangible things such as toys, towels, crates, that make caring for these beautiful animals so much easier.
Kisses Not Hisses Rescue would be delighted to tailor a sponsorship specifically for you. Please feel free to email us and let us know if there is a specific animal that you would like to sponsor, or if you prefer to help in a different way, like making a donation towards the animals please use the button below. Thank you for your support!

A Bit More About Warren

Hi! I am Warner, and I need your help. This handsome fella in the first photo is me when I was strong and healthy. The other photos are me too, but I look a little different because I have not been doing so well. I am a 1 year old kitten, and I have severe stomatitis. I saw the vet this past week, and have been scheduled for a full mouth extraction, because of the severity of my gum inflammation. They gave me a shot of DepoMedrol, which is a steroid shot that helps with reducing inflammation. This is just a temporary bandaid, until I get my surgery.
I am a sweet boy, I am generally shy but good natured. I spend most of my days right now sleeping. I’ve lost a lot of weight because until I had the steroid shot it was agonizing to eat so I just gave up trying. My foster mom gives me IV fluids and pain medication as needed. My surgery is gonna be many hundreds of dollars.