Hi! I’m Megan,
Certified Pediatric Sleep Trainer,
Owner & Founder of Kisses Not Hisses Rescue
My official start in Kitten rescue began in April of 2020, right at the beginning of the pandemic. I, like most people, was sitting at home alone, not working, and living every day in absolute terror of catching Covid, which loomed like a dark cloud over my head 24/7. I was especially fearful as an extremely severe asthmatic, I truly believed that if I caught covid I would perish. Those early days were filled with brutal and self absorbed terror. That self absorbance led to depression for the first time in my entire 51 years of life. My normal cheery and optimistic outlook became one of self concern and daily fears.
As a natural caretaker in my professional life, stripped of normalcy, I felt a constant emptiness, not having anyone to care for. My adult son was living in New York, so there was no way I could even see him. Then, that light bulb moment came to me! I remembered a famous quote my mother had taught me as a little girl. "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others". The tricky part would be to find a safe way to help, in a time of extreme social distancing. But as luck would have it, soon there would be a need that came my way.
Someone posted on my neighborhood app, asking for help to bottle feed some tiny kittens. I remember thinking this was perfect for me, while telling myself "how hard could this be". As a trained baby nurse, I have bottle fed hundreds of neonate human babies, so how hard would it be to feed a few kittens? Well the joke was on me, because as it turns out, bottle feeding newborn kittens was actually insanely hard, and took quite a lot of practice, and watching instructional videos to get it right, and even if done perfectly, I would quickly find out that these tiny kittens would not all survive.
While submerging myself more and more with this fascinating world of the cat rescuers. I quickly learned about how many cats and kittens needed human help. Thousands are born, and many don't survive on the streets without the kindness of humans. I had no idea of the numbers that were out there. I have remained passionate about the neonate kittens, as sadly very few
rescues will take them in. City shelters mostly euthanize them on
intake as they don't have the manpower to give them the required bottle feeding every 2-3 around the clock. So I decided that I would take on as many neonate kittens as I could. It's very difficult from a logistical standpoint as I am unable to go to work during that time, which obviously means no money comes in during that time either.
Regardless, I am committed to trying to help these vulnerable babies where I can. Along with other kittens who need the help and care. I have been able to help hundreds since starting this journey. I am truly grateful to these kittens as I know without any doubt they indeed, were the ones who rescued me. It is my complete pleasure to help save as many as I can. I have truly found my calling in life and
feel honored to do so.